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Weaving Dragon - Portal to the World of the DragonWeaver

Soul Services

Wholistic alignment sessions

Full Hands-on Energetic Bodywork Treatments are no longer available




I utilize the healing flow of Tai Chi and Chi Kung as well as my deep understanding of Natural Health practices, to provide somatic movement workshops that not only promote physical healing, improve balance, reduce stress, and enhance vitality but also strengthen and enhance your overall well-being.

I utilise my unique Dragon Flow somatic movement modality to help you warm up, flow, and feel more comfortable in your human body, as well as grounding exercises and breathwork to assist you to deal with the challenges of your current physical incarnation and make space for your higher self in your physical body. 

Embark on a journey towards improved well-being with me utilising these mindful movement practices, and together, we’ll restore balance, strengthen, and create vitality in your life.

Calendar of Workshop Events Coming Soon…

Basic Animal Totem Spread

R350 / $20

This unique Reading, facilitated by Marlene DragonWeaver, draws upon the rich tradition of Shamanism and Marlene will use her own Magic of the Animal Kingdom Oracle Card Deck to tune into your unique personality and soul being to choose your Animal Totems. Through this reading, you will have the opportunity to discover your Nine Totem Animals, each symbolizing its own unique wisdom and energy in each of the nine directions of the Shamanic Medicine Wheel.

The Reading can be done In Person where you draw your own Animal Cards from the deck, or long distance, where Marlene will tune in and draw them for you.

You will receive a photo of the Layout of your Totem Animal cards in the nine directions afterwards as well as a brief report detailing the significance and guidance of your specific Totem Animals. It’s a beautiful journey into the world of animal guidance, offering valuable insights for your spiritual path.

Personalised Animal Totem Spread

R8888/ ±$500

This unique Once-off Reading, facilitated by Marlene DragonWeaver, draws upon the rich tradition of Shamanism and Marlene will use her own Magic of the Animal Kingdom Oracle Card Deck to tune into your unique personality and soul being to choose your Animal Totems. Through this reading, you will have the opportunity to discover your Nine Totem Animals, each symbolizing its own unique wisdom and energy in each of the nine directions of the Shamanic Medicine Wheel.

The Reading can be done In Person where you draw your own Animal Cards from the deck, or remotely via video call (optional), where Marlene will tune in and draw them with/for you.


  • A photo of the Layout of your Totem Animal cards in the nine directions
  • A brief report detailing the significance and guidance of your specific Totem Animals
  • Personalised Digital Designs of your Nine Animal Totems in a Layout Spread that you can access on a private interactive page with information on each of your nine Totem Animals. This includes Marlene’s own channeled information for each of your Totem Animals and how they can assist you in the areas symbolised by the particular direction they appeared in for each of the nine directions of the Shamanic Medicine Wheel.
  • Print ready designs via email so that you can print out in whatever format and size you would like to display them
  • A Video Recording of the Reading if done online (optional)

It’s a beautiful journey into the world of animal guidance, offering valuable insights for your spiritual path.

specialised spiritual services

I also specialize in providing transformative spiritual services that include Ascension Journey Guidance, Starseed Guidance, and the removal of psychic implants. My mission is to offer a safe and nurturing space for individuals to explore their spiritual path, discover their true selves, and heal from any energetic blockages that may hinder their growth. With empathy and understanding, I am here to support you on your transformative journey towards higher consciousness and spiritual clarity.

Bookings for Meet & Explore Calls will be available soon, as well as a Booking Calendar for booking Online Sessions.

Contact me for more information.

Soul Purpose

Wayshower and Ascension Guide
Gridworker, Portal & Crystal Mage
Guardian of one of the the Portals to Gaia’s Heart

Creator of Spiritual Growth Tools
Designer of Soul Inspiring Apparel & Items

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Based in Cape Town, South Africa